domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Li-Fi Internet: The wireless internet of the future. #18

     Would you like to be able to access to wireless internet in places where the infrastructure cannot support it? Well, maybe this is not too far from reality, and Harald Hass explains it in the talk he gave for "TED Reimagining Borders". 
      Harald presented his idea as a innovative response for the massive extension of the Internet that there will soon be in order to close the digital divide, and also to allow thousands of devices, such as cars, coffee makers or alarm clocks. to be connected to the internet through Li-Fi, instead of using Wi-Fi. This process is rather simple, Li-Fi uses light to transmit data to solar cells and panels which harvest the energy that then will be received by the different devices. Therefore, we will be able to be connected to the internet even in those places where the infrastructure does not permit it, such as roads and countrysides. 
     I found this talk really interesting because I believe that technology may be the solution for problems such as pollution and energy consumption. Furthermore, it is a fact that the Internet makes our lives pretty much easier in every aspect. Therefore, by replacing batteries with solar panels to be used for Li-Fi not only will we improve environmental issues but also, we will be connected every time, everywhere.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Sidewalls #17

      In the last few weeks, I have been working with different genres related to walls. In this entry, I will express my analysis based on the Argentinian movie I have recently seen: "Sidewalls". The main characters of this movie are a man and a woman who face the same problem: loneliness. Both characters feel trap within the four walls of their apartments, which are quite small and full of things. Not only are both of them internally struggling against a kind of phobia which prevents them from moving forward, but also they have previous frustrated relationships that have affected them in one way or another. 
      Throughout the movie, these similarities between the two characters are showed in a way that emphasises the fact that even though they live only a few metres away, they do not know each other. It is also showed how in this decade of technological advances, which are supposed to improve communication, people may feel even more lonely and isolated than before. All their problems seem to disappear when both decide to build a window on the wall of their apartment, as a way out of the desolation they feel. This window might be a way of destroying the wall which prevents them from finding happiness

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016

World of Walls #16

    The motive for writing this entry is to continue discussing the topic of walls. Recently, I have read an article from the website "Mail Online" about walls all over the world which has informed me about the existing walls in the different countries. In addition to that, I have learnt facts that absolutely shocked me. To begin with, I have to admit that I did not know that there such a great number of walls over the world, certainly I knew about the wall which divides the American and Mexican border but I hadn't even imagined that there were at least 10 more. The purpose of building such walls is virtually the same: not to permit a certain society enter to the country. The source of the deterrent could be varied, for religious discrepancies, to decrease the crime rate and increase security, to protect themselves from the risk of terrorism or even to prevent refugees seeking shelter to settle in the country. In my opinion, I do not think these barriers are useful, on the contrary, they are the cause of great amount of violence and chaos, as well as being an explicit example of discrimination, prejudice and intolerance.
     One of the things that shocked me the most was watching a video which showed how migrants fight and crush into police lines at Macedonia border tolerating terrible conditions such as the heat and crowding. Another shocking video showed how drug smugglers cross the Mexican border in broad daylight which is the reason why I believe these walls are not an innovative strategy. Nowadays, people have the resources to trespass such frontiers. Honestly, I do not know if these walls will be pulled down some day because they are part of great political movements that are supported by a large number of people. 

Poetry - I Build Walls #15

    After reading the poem "I build walls", I could reach to the conclusion that walls cannot always be made of bricks or any physical material, on the contrary, building "walls" can sometimes be used in a metaphoric way with the intention of hiding feelings and thoughts. This sort of walls can be implicitly or explicitly built around someone's feelings, since there are times when a person build these "walls" with the purpose of not hurting himself or someone else. Some people might think that by not showing your feelings life would be easier. Not only would this prevent awkward situations in which you may end up being hurt, but also it places you in a comfort zone where you feel secure and protected.
     Taking into consideration my own experience, I admit that some time ago, I was used to build this kind of "walls", I also used to think that being close to somebody would only demonstrate your weaknesses and vulnerability, consequently I was not used to show my feelings or thoughts. As time went by and I became older my perception changed. The experiences I have gone through had a considerable influence on this because they made me realise life is too hard to live it on your own. 
      As I have already mentioned before, in the past I used to believe that there were certain times when it was necessary to build these "walls". However, nowadays I have no doubt that it is pointless trying to cover your feelings, emotions or beliefs since making mistakes, hurting people, or feeling that sense of despair and sorrow is part of living, and going through bad experiences also make you the person that you are today. 

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

Across the Great Divide #14

    This entry is going to be specially dedicated to the subject of walls, more precisely, to the distinction between the East and the West side of Germany after the Berlin wall came down. In the following lines, I will attempt to account for the title of the article "Across the Great Divide" by Charles P. Wallace. I think we should consider what the author understands by "the great divide". If the Berlin wall has already been destroyed, why has the author chosen such a controversial title? We can presume that even though the physical barrier has disappeared, there may be another kind of division which is more symbolic. What's more, taking into consideration the basic meaning of the word "Across", which is from one side to the other, I believe that the author will provide a number of aspects which are relevant to the different realities of living on the West side or the East side of Berlin. 
    As regards the paratext of this article, there are some aspects to take into consideration. For instance, the most notorious things are the title and the photographs which show us different instances discussed in the text. In addition to that, the sub tittles serve the function of attracting the reader's attention by providing controversial phrases which were presented in the text. Without analysing the text from a bottom up approach, we can infer that it is about the differences of living in one side or the other side of Berlin. I have reached to this conclusion because of the following examples: 1- the two photographs on page 26 that demonstrate the different houses on the West and East side. 2- The quotes of people who were interviewed and their desire of coming back in time before the Wall collapsed. 3- The author's selection of words in the epigraph which indicate contrast such as antonyms (old - new, come together - split).  Regarding the semantic organisation of the paratext I can identify words of the same semantic field, undoubtedly, these words are related to division, such as "half", "split", "divided" and its counterpart "united", there are also words related to walls, such as "border", "barrier" and "concrete". Through out the whole text, there is repetition of words such as "wall", "East", "West", "Berlin". and "disappointment" since they have considerable importance in this topic. 
      Taking into consideration its macrostructure, I could find that paragraphs number 1 to 3 read about the two different ways of living (West vs East), paragraphs number 4 and 5 are related to its government (Social Democratic Party vs Conservative Christian Democratic Party), paragraphs number 6 to 9 deal with employment and insecurity in the West side vs East side, in paragraphs 10 to 12 the author explains the economic differences, and finally, in the last paragraph, number 13, the author concludes the article expressing most of the citizen's attitudes towards the falling of the wall. 

Written assignment - Death Penalty #13

     It is widely believed that death penalty is one of the worst punishments in the world, no matter the person’s stand or point of view. Throughout this essay, I will outline three of the most important reasons why I strongly consider myself to be against capital punishment. Every individual who is born in this world has equal human rights which guarantee that it should not be denied the opportunity of having a second chance of social reintegration to those people who are not perfect, in the same way the criminal justice system has its flaws. 
     Firstly, human Rights are considered to be the basis of a respectable life and way of living. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person” and “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Therefore, sentencing a human being to death violate their freedom and rights as a member of society. 
     Secondly, everyone should be given a second chance to become a better person. Human beings are considered to be imperfect and even those who break the law should have the opportunity to rectify themselves. Not only is this a human right, but also it demonstrates that justice is for everyone and its top priority is to preserve life. Nowadays, there seems to be a tendency for believing that retribution is the answer for such crimes, just like the saying “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. However, I undoubtedly believe that every life is precious. In addition to that, it is rather evident to me that violence could never be the answer of anything. What example or role model can we give if we sentence a person to this ultimate death? 
     Thirdly, it is believed that no one can be flawless and without doubt, it is also the case of the criminal justice system. Some of these imperfections remain in the dark until it is seen that innocent people face wrongful execution. Not only does this irreversible mistake contribute to lose of faith in law and justice among citizens but also it is an irrevocable punishment. According to the Amnesty’s annual review of death penalty worldwide, it was recorded that at least 1,634 executions took place in 2015, this was proved to be the highest number recorded by Amnesty International since 1989. How many of these deaths were provoked by unfair legal counsel sentencing people to die for crimes they did not commit?
     To bring this paper to an end, it is important to highlight that many people argue the effectiveness of capital punishment in deterring people from committing crimes but this is not so since the death penalty is a manifestation of violence, not a solution to it. We should bear in mind that the foundation of justice is a respect for human dignity, and for their rights, as well as having the opportunity to rectification. Taking into account the eighth article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we could state that “Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law”. We, as society, should accept that human beings are not perfect as well as consider that the law has weaknesses. Under no circumstances, should capital punishment be acceptable.
- Amnesty International (2016). Death Penalty. Web Site:
- United Nations (UN). (1948). United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. pp 1 - 3. Web site: