viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Sidewalls #17

      In the last few weeks, I have been working with different genres related to walls. In this entry, I will express my analysis based on the Argentinian movie I have recently seen: "Sidewalls". The main characters of this movie are a man and a woman who face the same problem: loneliness. Both characters feel trap within the four walls of their apartments, which are quite small and full of things. Not only are both of them internally struggling against a kind of phobia which prevents them from moving forward, but also they have previous frustrated relationships that have affected them in one way or another. 
      Throughout the movie, these similarities between the two characters are showed in a way that emphasises the fact that even though they live only a few metres away, they do not know each other. It is also showed how in this decade of technological advances, which are supposed to improve communication, people may feel even more lonely and isolated than before. All their problems seem to disappear when both decide to build a window on the wall of their apartment, as a way out of the desolation they feel. This window might be a way of destroying the wall which prevents them from finding happiness

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